Appendix E - Interfacing with Other Programs

RISAFloor interacts with a number of other RISA programs within the RISA suite (see below) as well as a the 3rd party programs listed in the sections below.

Integration with other RISA programs

For information on the integration between Floor and 3D see RISA-3D Integration.

For information on the integration between RISAFloor and RISASection see Shape Databases.

For information on the integration between RISAFloor and Foundation see RISAFoundation Integration.

For information on the integration between RISAFloor and RISAConnection see RISAConnection Integration

Linking your Autodesk Revit Structure model with RISAFloor

AutoDeskĀ® RevitĀ® Structure users can now link directly with RISA-3D and/or RISAFloor. This link is being continuously improved and updated.  Therefore, for the most up to date information on this link, please visit the AutoDesk and RISA web sites.

For additional advice on this topic, please see the RISA Tips & Tricks webpage at Type in Search keywords: Revit.

Importing or Exporting CIS/2 Files

RISA-3D and RISAFloor have the ability to import and export files in the CIS/2 file format(.stp file extension). This is a generic file format that allows different pieces of software to communicate with each other. Our three main partners that accept and produce this type of file are:

For more information and to download the CIS/2 translator, visit our website at:

Importing or Exporting DXF Files

For DXF importing / exporting, refer to the DXF Files section of the main manual.